Bidly Buyer Interview

We at Bidly had a chance to sit down with Kevin to get the seller’s scoop on why he chose to work with Bidly and if he would recommend us. Check out what he had to say.

Bidly: Did you use Bidly to buy or sell your home?

Kevin: Yes

Bidly: What was the process like?

Kevin: Super simple. A breeze, really. Bidly promptly answered any questions I had, moved fast throughout the entire process, and helped us close on a home that has dramatically improved our lives! 

Bidly: Did you have any doubts or fears when you began working with Bidly?

Kevin: I’ve known the founder of Bidly for years, so I did not have doubts. His integrity, work-ethic, and know-how are unmatched in my circles. Bidly is transforming the home purchasing process, so I did have questions, but never any doubts or fears. 

Bidly: Is this your first home purchase? If not, how does your experience with Bidly compare to other real estate companies or agencies?

Kevin: Yes, first purchase. Still, we worked with other realtors before finding that Bidly was an option. Bidly was simpler, faster, and 8x more cost effective than the traditional realtors we would otherwise have used. 

Bidly: Would you recommend Bidly to your friends and family? If so, why?

Kevin: 100%. How could I not? 1/8th the price (and that ratio only gets better as the price of the home increases) with a better experience. The value proposition is unbelievable. Bidly can do this because they’re re-thinking the entire market. The process for purchasing a home, for a distinct, though not small subset of home purchasers, can and should change! 

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